It’s important to always be mindful of our shared spaces and world. What are the things we say and do that involve others?
Driving is safe because we all share the road and respect the rules.
And when we vote, we’re voting in the best interest of both ourselves and our society in general.
We can also be respectful of same-sex marriage even though it may have nothing to do with us.
Many of the difficulties we have are created by losing sight of what’s yours, ours, and mine.
What are we noticing?
We are noticing the the distinction between what is yours, ours, and mine.
Start With “Ours”
Starting with how something is “ours” first helps us get a grip on this so much quicker.
It’s our community, our nature, our elected officials, our country, our sound space, our roads we drive on, our air we breathe, our electricity, our internet service.
The Clear Thinking Campaign website talks about our shared world and how we can deal with the pollution of confusion that people and entities fill our world with, and how we can work together to clean that up. It’s our problem to solve, not someone else’s.
My car, my children, my job, my point of view, my mistake.
What can we do right now?
Remember the overlapping circles.
We can start with the assumption that we’re talking about something that’s “ours” and go from there.
© 2022 Mark Halvorson. All Rights Reserved.
This campaign and website imagined, created and maintained by Mark Halvorson. This is a living document. All media is properly licensed, attributed, and usage rights are respected.
Get out there and practice, practice, practice thinking clearly with your friends and family. Help refine what people say rather than reject it. Try to say what you want in the form of a question. You can also send people here and not say a word. The huge benefit from all this is that it won’t be long until people and the world won’t be able to mess with you anymore. People will notice that about you and will want to know how you did it. Be strong and have your own ideas, style and identity. We’re all in this together.