To be a great clear thinker we don’t need to study, take classes or feel like we’re going to school!
Let’s keep it simple.
Below are two sections, the sky and the ocean. The items in the sky are for everyone.
But I’m letting you know that the things below under the ocean will get into stuff that would make most people yawn and pull out their phones. 😳 But if you’re interested, that’s fantastic, and you’ll discover an amazing world with so much fun stuff to learn, and you’ll stand taller and feel stronger even more!
Take Care And Be Safe
Wouldn’t it be great if we could help everyone we know be able to think clearly too? I made a big mistake with a good friend of mine once. It was an important reminder that it’s so easy for us to think everyone else sees the world the same way we do. Oh no!
This “Start Here” Page May Be Better To Share First
This page gives a brief overview and has a cool graphic of the entire home page at once, and it works great on a cellphone, and might be a better choice for an entry point for others you want to share this site with. Check it out.
Contact Me
Please send me an email for any reason. I especially love hearing stories. Let me know what your first name is, too. Don’t hesitate, click the button and make it as short or long as you like.
Your email address will only be used to reply to you and for no other reason, ever.
Facebook Group
This is an open group.
Also, if you want to share this site with people anywhere on Facebook use the “share” button on that page. It copies the link to that page to the clipboard, then you can paste the link into any post or comment.
Twitter Page
This is our Twitter account – @ClrThnkngCampgn
If you want to share this site with people anywhere on Twitter use the “share” button on that page. It copies the link to that page to the clipboard, then you can paste the link into any tweet.
LinkedIn Page
If you want to share this site with people anywhere on LinkedIn use the “share” button on that page. It copies the link to that page to the clipboard, then you can paste the link into any post.
How This Campaign Came To Be
The Clear Thinking Campaign started as an insight and a germ of an idea in 2015. Here are more details of what’s behind it all.
Me And My Team
I’m privileged to have Andy and Sean at my side. They’ve worn many hats and double-checked and second guessed everything along the way as this concept evolved and developed.
My “Three Amigos” In Clear Thinking
Let me introduce you to three people who are also trying hard to bring Clear Thinking Skills the last mile and into everyone’s daily life. It’s also the next place we can explore if we want to do our own deep diving because, you know, we’re curious and inquisitive and this is fun!
© 2022 Mark Halvorson. All Rights Reserved.
This campaign and website imagined, created and maintained by Mark Halvorson. This is a living document. All media is properly licensed, attributed, and usage rights are respected.
Get out there and practice, practice, practice thinking clearly with your friends and family. Help refine what people say rather than reject it. Try to say what you want in the form of a question. You can also send people here and not say a word. The huge benefit from all this is that it won’t be long until people and the world won’t be able to mess with you anymore. People will notice that about you and will want to know how you did it. Be strong and have your own ideas, style and identity. We’re all in this together.