The screensaver on the Apple TV box constantly shows video of amazing places on Earth and views from above.
It’s a wonderful and frequent reminder that we’re guests here on this mind-boggling, wild and beautiful world which just has to be one of the top ten planets in our galaxy!
This helps us readjust what we think, say, and do because it helps us notice what matters more and what matters less.
What are we noticing?
We’re noticing that a frequent Perspective Reset on a daily basis is a good thing.
We’re noticing that practicing gratitude on a regular basis is also a quick and easy way to keep things in perspective.
Feel The Shift
The Japanese have this thing called “Forest Bathing” where you go into a forest and enjoy the benefits of the powerful feeling you get. It’s not necessary for anyone to understand how this works, it’s just an observable fact that everyone feels different, and feels better, after spending time in a beautiful green forest.
In fact, you’ll be able to feel the difference after just watching this one-minute video.
Notice the powerful effect it has on your perspective right here, right now. Amazing!
Cosmic Perspective
This is an actual term that refers to the “reset” that happens in our heads when we stop to consider where we actually are. When we do this reset daily then so many good things fall into place automatically.
I personally feel strongly that the 13-episode series Cosmos – A Spacetime Odyssey, hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson, is one of the most remarkable documentaries every created by humans. It’s one of those things that needs to be on EVERYONE’s bucket list.
Here’s a two-minute video excerpt from that series that shows us what our particular “Cosmic Address” is, if anyone wanted to find us.
What can we do right now?
Myself and my colleagues who work with me on this and other projects speak of ourselves as “Earthwalkers.” This word reminds us that we’re visitors here and it helps us appreciate this wild and seemingly untamable world we live on.
A lifetime on Earth is amazing, incredible, as well as sometimes painful and tragic. But it’s a privilege to be here, and it’s up to us to make the best of our experience since no one else can do that for us.
And the first thing that helps make our walk on Earth easier is to regularly reset our perspective and we remember where we really are.
© 2022 Mark Halvorson. All Rights Reserved.
This campaign and website imagined, created and maintained by Mark Halvorson. This is a living document. All media is properly licensed, attributed, and usage rights are respected.
Get out there and practice, practice, practice thinking clearly with your friends and family. Help refine what people say rather than reject it. Try to say what you want in the form of a question. You can also send people here and not say a word. The huge benefit from all this is that it won’t be long until people and the world won’t be able to mess with you anymore. People will notice that about you and will want to know how you did it. Be strong and have your own ideas, style and identity. We’re all in this together.